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Frequently asked questions by users.

Go to the Log In page, click on "forgot password". Then follow the steps to reset the password.
Go to the Log In page, click on "forgot password". Then follow the steps to reset to retrieve your email.
Log into your account, go to the receive tab and deposit the money into your bank account or visit an authorized SaveMoney distributor near you.
Log in to your account and go to the "transactions" tab to check the status of your transfer.
Log in to your account and go to the "transactions" tab to view your history.
Go to the Log In page, click on "forgot password". Then follow the steps to reset the password.
Each new customer who creates an account on our site is entitled to a sponsor code. Please log in to your customer account and click on "Sponsor" to see your sponsor code
Your sponsorship code may be inactive under certain circumstances. To learn more, see our terms and conditions of sponsorship in our terms and conditions of use.
Once your friend has completed 2 transfers, we will credit your Save Money Transfer Inc rewards bank with the amount indicated on your customer portal.
Save Money Transfer Inc rewards are non-exchangeable, non-redeemable and non-transferable.
You can apply them during your transfers to reduce the sending costs to be paid.